News from the 2019 AGM
The AGM took place in the Village Hall last night (26 July). Lightly attended it took a report from the outgoing Chairman, Tim McGill reflecting on the year past and the years to come, an abbreviated Treasurer’s report and presented Tristram Grevatt with the 2019 Paul Wonnacott Memorial Cup for Achievement.
The attendees also held elections for the Committee. Well, elections is not the most accurate word. After Tim had stood down, and afterwards received a strong “well done” from those present there was a call for a new Chair. Into the breach, for a year, stepped Nat Cook – already a veteran of several recent years a Chair and her place as Hon Sec was taken by John Gower. After further calls for new committee members to replace Tim, Anthony and Kim, Cathie Pannell offered to return (herself with much committee time under her belt) and a new face volunteered (was volunteered?). We welcome Tristram Grevatt fresh from his set and acting triumphs in Bunkered to our committee. A full updated committee list can be found here.
The new Chair will be emailing all current members soon and the minutes will follow by separate email.
Here’s to a great new year ahead of us and some exciting productions, as presaged in the last newsletter (here)