Pantomime 2017: Sleeping Beauty cometh soon…

The SBADS biennial Pantomime is approaching fast. We are offering a traditional yet contemporary adaptation of Sleeping Beauty by Cathie Pannell, who also directs the large cast of all ages. Rehearsals have reached that “it’ll be all right on the night” moment and the entire cast is pulling out all the stops to give their five audiences a wonderful show to help with that cold January, post Christmas feeling.
The performances are at the Village Hall and start on Wednesday 25th January at 7.30 pm. Further evening performances follow on Thursday, Friday and Saturday with an additional Matinee performance on Saturday at 2.30 pm.
We have held our ticket prices into the new year and tickets are £8 for adults and £5 for those under 16. SBADS members can get a further 50p off their tickets. Tickets will go on sale to the public next Monday 9th January and can be bought from the Mare and Foal box office between 10 am and 12.30 pm on that day and each weekday thereafter. You can also arrange tickets by calling 07812 414916 during reasonable hours of the working day.
So take down those decorations, put to one side the imminent inauguration of Mr Trump, forget the tribulations of BREXIT and all the worries of a new year. If you make resolutions then make just one more: to come and have a good laugh and get lost in the timeless story of the good and the less good and the triumph of all that is good and wholesome.
Get your tickets and enjoy one of our performances.