More Reasons to Buy Gaslight Tickets

Gaslight tickets are now selling steadily, but the good news is there’s plenty of space left so please pass this on to all you know!

Reason # 22: Thursday night is discount night; tickets are cheaper by up to 20%; BOOK NOW for the 17th

Reason # 23: Escape the royal wedding wall to wall news cycle!  Our last night is Royal Wedding Day, so if you’ve watched the wedding and celebrated come and escape the endless evening repeats and angles and watch our play on Saturday the 19th – the perfect antidote to saccharin repetition

Reason # 24: If you aren’t interested in the royal wedding, come and see this play.  It’s moody, melodramatic and uplifting.  It has nothing to do with the future of the royal couple

Reason # 25: The play comes with a bar and raffle attached; the bar opens at 7 to ticket holders.  An inexpensive and enjoyable night out.

Online Box Office open now : Village Box Office will be open three more times: Mon, Tue, Wed from 10am to 12:30 pm in the Mare and Foal, or you can buy on the door