Category: Notices
AGM 22 and SBADS Committee / Future
We intend to hold an AGM sometime in the next 3 weeks and will advise of the date when we have settled on it as current committee members come back from summer holidays. At the AGM we will present the accounts, reflect on the hiatus caused by the COVID restrictions and discuss the resurrection of […]
Vintage and Secondhand Clothes Sale 9 Apr
For a view of a selection of the Costumes for sale, please click here
Local director looking for male actor
Please see the note below received for an actor for a forthcoming production in Chudleigh Knighton. The rehearsals will all be in Chudleigh. I hope you don’t mind me asking but I wondered if you might be interested or know someone interested in joining a cast for my next show which is called Le Coq […]
Latest Local Amdram listings
The latest local AmDram listing “Thespis” is now on the website
SBADS Outings….Update 1
The SBADS outing on 19 Feb has been cancelled as no-one expressed an interest. The remainder are still open to let us know you’d like to come. The next one is the ITC production of The Importance of being Earnest by Oscar Wilde on the 13th of March. For full details of outings, and an […]
BAOBAB Theatre – YouTube Channel
SBADS stalwart Tim McGill’s theatre company, BAOBAB Theatre, has just launched its YouTube film & theatre channel and looking for subscribers. Their first short film, which some of you may remember form an earlier post on this website – “They’re Made of Meat” – is on the channel and there is more to come. The […]
Hound Raises £150 for Children in Need
As those of you who attended our Friday production will know, we we raised money from the Front of House for Children in Need. This is what we usually do with our November productions. Thanks to our audience, and also our wonderful FoH team, led by Veronica, we raised £150.
The Real Inspector Hound – Case Closed
Case Closed, Inspector Hound! Well, that’s a wrap as they say in the film industry. The case is as solved as could be, life at Muldoon Manor has returned to normal and the critics have moved on. The excellent set evaporated on Sunday the 24th and there’s no trace in the Village Hall except a […]
First Night Feedback
The opening night is now behind us and here is some of the feedback from those who have seen the play so far, so if you haven’t seen it ….get your tickets today for the final performance “thank you for your fantastic play with fantastic cast and … fantastic direction ……thanks to all of you […]
Reminder: SBADS Costume & Clothing Sale 19 Oct 10am-12:30pm
All the details are here…