Year: 2018
New Local Amdram Listing – 23 Dec
The latest Torbay Thespis is on the website here
Homecomings Thank You
Thank you from the organisers and performers to all those who supported the recent Homecomings evening in the Village Hall. The event raised £175 for The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal
“Homecomings” at the Village Hall this Saturday (15th) at 7pm
Please come and support this event tomorrow night in the Village Hall at 7pm. Tickets from Artworks or on the door. See also the information on the earlier post here
SBADS Winter Newsletter published
The SBADS Winter Newsletter has been published on the website and emailed to members.
7 December : Updated Local AmDram Listings on the website
The latest, pantomime-rich, listings can be found here. Make sure you have bought your tickets to see Firebird then buy others to compare!
Please Support “Homecomings” – 15 December at the Village Hall
As a finale to the Village’s commemoration of the centenary of the Great War, members of SBADS are joining Band Friday and other singers and actors in a celebration and commemoration event on Saturday 15th December at 7pm. This event is supported by the Parish Council. Come and join them; tickets are only £10, including a […]
The FIREBIRD is coming soon …
The Firebird is coming!Countdown ‘The Firebird’ Wednesday 16-Saturday 19 January 2019 at 7.30pm each night Saturday Matinee at 2:30pm Tickets £8 U16 £5 This year’s Panto presented by South Brent Amateur Dramatic Society (SBADS) in the Village Hall, promises to be a little different. Newly adapted for the village by Rob Kidney and Tim McGill from […]
Support Our Chairman! His new film “Flies” nominated for Best Film & Best Actor at the English Riviera Film Festival 27 October
Our Chairman, Tim McGill and Baobab Film Company, has been nominated for Best Film and Best Actor in the upcoming English Riviera Film Festival: You can see the English Riviera Film Festival website here, and tickets for the screening and awards day tickets for 27th October are available on the website See the Festival Launch […]
TADDFEST 2019 – Looking for a Director, a play and actors!
The Chairman and Committee of TADDfest have invited SBADS to take part in their annual Festival of One Act Plays which will be held from 14 – 16 March 2019 at the Shaftesbury Theatre, Dawlish. This will be their third year in their new home, and the second year with their new name. TADDfest has […]
15 October: Updated Local AmDram Listings on the website
The latest “Thespis” – the local Am Dram listing can be found here